Blue Plasma Pools
Modern science, in its headlong pursuit of knowledge, uses the camera to penetrate previously undisclosed visual territories for the contemporary artists to assimilate into their image repertoires. From the most minuscule elements of matter to the almost inconceivably large dimensions of the cosmos, from botanical and other biological life to the geological and geographical aspects of our planet, the pictures rendered on film reveal exciting new abstract forms and shapes that even the most sophisticated human imagination would be hard-pressed to emulate. Photography reaches into obscure visual spheres and examines frequencies of light previously unavailable for human observation; it shrinks time in order to speed-up processes moving too slowly for the eye to register; or slows down events that would pass unnoticed by the attention of a audience. It is a formidable tool to extend the visual range for receiving images beyond the restricted view of reality accepted before the photographic instruments in the 20th and 21st centuries became important surveyors of the scientific unknown.
The images below are inspired by some of this new visual vocabulary, and recruit the recurring motif of an artificial blue plasma pool extending into different regions of the artist's pictorial universe. The abstract pictures rely on suggestively realistic but non-specific abstract forms, familiar if not identifiable, a window into a non-objective series of paintings mimicking the semblance of a reality without defining it. The incorporated design elements could be suggestive of astral activity in a galactic expanse or hidden microscopic life floating in unreal environments: these are paintings which personify the artist's attempt to probe challenging new opportunities for innovative imagery.